So instead of complaining about my cuties, I'll just put up some pics for the family that can't get enough. I'm trying to take lots of "fashion shots" as I call them. I love seeing all the little outfits on the girls. This one was from our special friend Lillie, if I remember correctly.
Of course, we pulled out the Polo shoes. Braska wore these for quite a while.
Kinlee's feet are almost too long for them already, but they're so darn skinny that they don't really fit. I need to put some big thick socks on her maybe, because this is what happens. And I'm not gonna risk losing one or both of them. They have to be saved for Rachel along with all the other tons of Polo stuff she's stocked in the girls' closets.
We've been seeing quite a few smiles, and that's always fun. I haven't caught the really good ones yet, but here's a hint of one.
Kinlee has had some rough days, not sure why, but alot of fussing. This afternoon was one of the most difficult for her, and the rest of us in turn. This was one of the very short naps she took.
Tonight we got comfy and she had her first experience with BabyLegs. I can't believe I'd almost forgotten how wonderfully handy these things are!! If you are one of the extremely few people left who know me but don't own a pair of these... well, just get to ordering, for Heaven's sake!
This week has brought more of the annoying baby acne. Braska never had this, and I'm sure not a fan. It doesn't look like much fun for her either. Her shirt is cute... it says "This is my little black dress."
She is such a cutie.
I love it - "lil black dress" :) And the smile face so looks like a "he he he... they think I'm smiling but its just gas". LOL :)
Auntie Rach
Wow, she sure is gettin' big!! My first two girls had baby acne too, and it was SO frusterating. Have you ever heard of Mustela? They sell it at Babyland here in Champaign, but I'm sure you can find it someplace else. That is the only stuff I used on Maebree, and she NEVER had any cradle cap (or cradle crap as we called it) or acne. She had (and still has) great skin. It's a little pricier, but it is SO worth it! Cetaphil is also good stuff, and you can get that generic at Wal-Mart.
Cute pics! I can't wait to meet her next week, eeek:o) Just a side note, I was at Target last week looking for something for my new nephew and guess what...they sell Baby Legs at Target!!! I was so excited!
Kinlee, are you getting red-headed, or is it just the camera?? You sure are a doll! Love you!
And today, April 6 is a big EIGHT weeks! Happy day, Kinlee!!
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