Saturday, February 27, 2010
Time to combine
Friday, February 26, 2010
Birthday books!!

The girls are enjoying new books that KiKi got for her birthday from Aunt Chris. They LOVE them! Kinlee cannot get enough of books with pictures of real babies on them, so this is right up her alley. Both of the girls are BIG fans of books, though are super tough on them when left to their own "reading."
Thanks, Aunt Chris and Uncle Don! These were perfect!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
1st Birthday Party
Kinlee’s 1st birthday went pretty well considering the snags in the planning and schedule that happened in the days prior. Thanks to everyone who made it, and we missed those who were not able to come due to illness or schedules. I learned a lot of mini life lessons, and things will be different for the next birthday party. We didn’t do anything for Braska’s 1st, so we were in new territory. As many of you know, birthdays have never been a big deal in our families growing up, so I don’t really do themes, matchy-matchy decor, etc. Maybe when the girls are old enough to notice…which will be soon.
Here’s a couple little pics of the day and the party. Check out the video below for lots more great pics—including my little pastry chefs at work on the cake—and the famous cake eating.
Here’s the video…one of the projects I got done this week. Even got it burned on a DVD that can be watched on the TV! Fun for years to come!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
12 months
She has started to close her eyes every time the camera gets ready to snap. Little booger. I have dozens of closed-eye pictures.
Still, she’s pretty cute, and sometimes even sweet.
Highlights this month: She is standing for a second or two by herself, but she’s not too interested in attempting to walk. And that’s ok with me. She’ll get there, no doubt, and I’m fine with her taking her time. Less chasing to do. Our house is going to get even smaller when she starts to walk.
She has a few signs: more, eat, milk, daddy. She does a lot of babbling and has some word approximations: more, mommy, daddy, belle, sissy, shoe, milk.
She loves her straw cup, and she eats almost everything set before her. Unfortunately, she likes to eat about anything she can find, including coins, junk on the floor, dog food, etc. We’ve had no issues yet to cause great concern, but you really gotta watch this girl.
One year down. It sure went fast!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Tuckered out
I’ve got lots of pics from the birthday to share, and I hope to get those up tonight or this weekend. But for now, here’s one fresh from my phone…
We spent the morning running errands while Braska was at school, then we went to the mall after school for lunch in the food court—she enjoyed chicken and waffle fries—and a very good stop at The Children’s Place where we hit a monster sale and snagged some things for the girls, especially some things for Braska for next year! Yay! By the time we got back in the van, KiKi was out in minutes on the way home. I didn’t even take her out of her new jacket when she got home. Cute, huh? And only $2.99! Gotta love a gift card! I didn’t spend a “real” dollar anywhere.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
1 year old
It doesn’t seem like it’s been 12 whole months, and yet, it seems like she’s been hanging out with us for years.
Kinlee is a silly girl. She loves to laugh and make others laugh. She is a drama queen. She is very sensitive, VERY sensitive, especially to reprimands. She adores her sister and her daddy, but she is a Mommy’s girl. She will climb anything and has no fear. Until she gets up there and can’t get down. Then her world crumbles in a second.
She is lots of fun to play with and less fun to take on in a battle of wills. She will be a great sister and a challenging daughter for years to come, I’m quite sure of it. But whining and instant tear-spilling skills aside, she is a pretty good little girl, and we’ll let her hang around a while longer.
Happy Birthday, KiKi!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Did you see that?
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- RK
- I'm a wife, mother, sister, daughter, and friend; just trying to do the best I can at each of those positions.